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专辑名称: Leonard Bernstein : Mass (Live)
创作艺人: [The Philadelphia Orchestra – Yannick Nézet-Séguin]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 1碟39首
出品公司: Deutsche Grammophon (DG)
发行时间: 2018/3/16
官方标价: ¥120.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en][fr] (AI检测)


I. Antiphon: Kyrie Eleison (Live)
II. Hymn and Psalm: "A Simple Song" (Live)
III. Responsory: Alleluia (Live)
I. Prefatory Prayers (Live)
II. Thrice – Triple Canon: Dominum Vobiscum (Live)
I. In Nomine Patris (Live)
II. Prayer for the Congregation (Chorale: "Almighty Father") (Live)
III. Epiphany (Live)
I. Confiteor (Live)
II. Trope: "I Don't Know" (Live)
III. Trope: "Easy" (Live)
V. Meditation #1 (Live)
I. Gloria tibi (Live)
II. Gloria in excelsis (Live)
III. Trope: "Half of the People" (Live)
IV. Trope: "Thank You" (Live)
VII. Meditation #2 (Live)
VIII. Epistle: "The Word of The Lord" (Live)
IX. Gospel-Sermon: "God Said" (Live)
I. Credo in unum deum (Live)
II. Trope: "Non credo" (Live)
III. Trope: "Hurry" (Live)
IV. Trope: "World Without End" – Et in spiritum sanctum (Live)
V. Trope: "I Believe in God" (Live)
XI. Meditation #3 (De Profundis, Part 1) (Live)
XII. Offertory (De Profundis, Part 2) (Live)
I. "Our Father…" (Live)
II. Trope: "I Go On" (Live)
XIV. Sanctus (Live)
a. "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi" (Live)
b. "Dona nobis, nobis pacem, pacem dona" (Live)
a. "Pacem! Pacem! Pa… cem!" (Live)
b. "… Quiet…" (Live)
c. Allegro furioso – "Why Are You Waiting?" (Live)
d. "God… Said…" (Live)
e. "Oh I Suddenly Feel Ev’ry Step I’ve Ever Taken" (Live)
a. Prestissimo a piacere (Live)
b. "Sing God a Secret Song" (Live)
c. "Almighty Father" (Live)


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