HR 48.0kHz/24Bit            

专辑名称: Welcome to Wildemount (Critical Role Soundtrack)
创作艺人: [Critical Role]
音乐流派: 电影原声
专辑规格: 1碟20首
出品公司: Scanlan Shorthalt Music
发行时间: 2022/11/15
官方标价: £9.04 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Welcome to Wildemount
Stroll Through Nicodranas
Reefs of Darktow
The Amber Road
The Luxon
Trouble at the Docks
Passage to Xhorhas
Back to the Blooming Grove
Smoke Fills the Room
The Volstruckers
The Crownsguard
The Aurora Watch
Echoes of Aeor
At the Gates of Bazzoxan
The Hag's Hovel
Rise of Uk'otoa
Above the Living Rooftops
Neo-Somnovem Incarnate
Hupperdook Tavern


久爱音乐社 真正无损的 好音源!