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专辑名称: Incline Thine Ear & Other Sacred Songs
创作艺人: [Scott LaGraff]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 1碟20首
出品公司: Centaur Records, Inc.
发行时间: 2017/4/7
官方标价: ¥108.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Create in me a Clean Heart, O God (arr. for voice and piano)
The Lord is my Light
How Long Wilt Thou Forget me?
Incline Thine Ear
My Soul is Athirst for God
When I Consider the Heavens
Thine, O Lord, is the Greatness
Unto Thee, O Lord
The Blind Ploughman
The Gift of Love (arr. H. Hopson for 2 voices and piano)
Eternal Life
Open Our Eyes
I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
The King of Love my Shepherd is
The Beatitudes
To Come, O Lord, to Thee
Come, ye Blessed
Let not your Heart be Troubled
God so Loved the World (arr. W. Stickles for voice and piano)
The Lord's Prayer (arr. for 2 voices and piano)


久爱音乐社 真正无损的 好音源!