HR 48.0kHz/24Bit            

专辑名称: Assassin's Creed Origins (Original Game Soundtrack)
创作艺人: [Sarah Schachner, Assassin's Creed]
音乐流派: 电影原声
专辑规格: 1碟27首
出品公司: Ubisoft Music
发行时间: 2017/10/27
官方标价: ¥120.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Assassin's Creed Origins Main Theme
Return of the Medjay
Bayek of Siwa
The Shimmering Sands
The Battle of Krokodilopolis
The Tongueless Land
Legions of Blood
Dead Kings and Living Gods
Fire in the Duat
Born of the Sun
Winds of Cyrene
I Walk on Your Water
The Order of Ancients
Nomads of the White Desert
Be My Eyes
The Cracked Wall
The Alexandrian Pleiad
Desert Delirium
Apep's Vengeance
Across the Dunes
The Last Medjay
Chthonic Invasion
A Divided Land
Ptolemy's Lament
The Hyena's Fire
Moonlight on the Nile
Ezio's Family (Origins Version)


久爱音乐社 真正无损的 好音源!