HR 44.1kHz/24Bit
专辑名称: Zen Bamboo Forest
创作艺人: [Natural Forest Sounds]
音乐流派: ELECTRONIC|电子音乐
专辑规格: 1碟29首
出品公司: Electronic
发行时间: 2019/7/29
官方标价: ¥96.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)
Fresh Water Stream Sound
Morning Winter Rain
Rural Nature Park
Breezy Songs
Rain on a Collar Dove
Summer Stream Songs
Garden of Beaks
Little Sweet Chirps
Collar Dove Wood Pigeon
Tropical River Birds
Distant Chorus of Birds
Splashing Nature Rain
Tiny Blue Stream
Deluge Delight
Sky of Rain & Thunder
Rain on a Farm
Lazy Summer Wildlife
Spring Meadow Rainfall
Evening Bird Watching
Misty Forest Rains
Blissful Day of Rain
Soft Rain Taps
A Light Spatter
Rainfall Clattering
Doves Sparrows and Blackbirds
Farmland Loop
Fast Rain Drips
Skittish Rainfall
Wind Through the Backwoods