HR 96.0kHz/24Bit
专辑名称: Weber: Der Freischütz
创作艺人: [René Jacobs, Freiburger Barockorchester, Zürcher Sing-Akademie, Christian Immler, Polina Pastirchak, Kateryna Kasper, Maximilian Schmitt, Max Urlacher]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 2碟37首
出品公司: harmonia mundi
发行时间: 2022/4/29
官方标价: ¥204.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [de] (AI检测)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1: Nr. 1, Overtura
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 1: Aria "Allerbarmen! Herr dort oben!" (Der Eremit)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 2: Dialog "Wo Agathe nur bleiben mag?" (Der Eremit, Agathe, Ännchen)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 2: Duetto "Nimm hin des Freundes Gabe" (Der Eremit, Agathe)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 3: Chor "Viktoria! Viktoria!" (Chor der Landleute, Max)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 3: Lied "Schau' der Herr mich an als König!" (Kilian, Chor)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 4: Dialog "Was ist hier los?" (Kuno, Kilian, Max, Samiels Stimme, Kaspar)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 4: Romanze "Herr Ottokar jagte durch Heis und durch Wald" (Kuno) & Dialog
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 4 & 5: Nr. 2, Terzetto con Cori "Oh diese Sonne" (Max, Kuno, Kaspar, Chor) & Dialog
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 5: Nr. 3, Scena ed Aria. Walzer
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 6: Rezitativ "Nein, länger trag' ich" & Aria "Durch die Wälder, durch die Auen" (Max, Samiels Stimme)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 7: Dialog & Nr. 4, Lied "Hier im ird'schen Jammertal" (Kaspar, Samiels Stimme, Max)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 7: Dialog "Agathe hat recht" (Max, Kaspar, Samiels Stimme)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 1 Scene 7: Nr. 5, Aria "Schweig', schweig', damit dich niemand warnt!" (Kaspar)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 1: Dialog & Nr. 6, Duetto "Schelm! Halt fest!" (Ännchen, Agathe)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 1: Nr. 7, Arietta "Kommt ein schlanker Bursch gegangen" (Ännchen) & Dialog
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 2: Nr. 8, Scena ed Aria "Wie nahte mir der Schlummer" (Agathe)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 3: Dialog "Lieber Max, was ist los?" (Agathe, Max, Ännchen)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 3: Nr. 9, Terzetto "Wie? Was? Entsetzen!" (Agathe, Ännchen, Max)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 4: Dialog (Samiels Stimme) & Nr. 10, "Milch des Mondes fiel auf's Kraut" (Chor)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 5: Dialog (zwei Geister) & Melodram "Was für eine schreckliche Hitze!" (Kaspar)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 7: Ha! Furchtbar gähnt der düst're Abgrund (Max)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 7 & 8: Dialog "Der Mond, der Mond verfinstert sich" (Max, Kaspar) & Melodram (Samiel)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 2 Scene 8: Ah! Zische, brause, koche auf (Samiel, Kaspar, Chor, Max)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 1: Nr. 11, Entre-Akt
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 1: Dialog "Guten Morgen, Kamerad! Ausgeschlafen?" (Kaspar, Max)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 2: Nr. 12, Cavatina "Und ob die Wolke" (Agathe)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 3: Dialog "Na, du bist früher auf als ich!" (Agathe, Ännchen)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 3: Nr. 13, Romanza ed Aria "Einst traümte meiner sel'gen Base" (Ännchen)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 3, 4 & 5: Dialog & Nr. 14, Volkslied "Wir winden dir den Jungfernkranz" (Agathe, Frauenchor) & Dialog
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 5 & 6: Dialog "Mit einem lauten Schrei" (Samiels Stimme) & Dialog "Liebe Freunde" (Ottokar)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 6: Nr. 15, Jägerchor "Was gleicht wohl auf Erden" (Chor der Jäger)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 6 & 7: Dialog "Das war wirklich meisterhaft" (Ottokar, Kuno, Kaspar, Samiel, Max)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 7: Nr. 16, Finale "Schaut, o schaut "(Chor, Ännchen, Agathe, Kaspar, Max, Samiels Stimme, Kuno, Ottokar)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 7: Nur du kannst dieses Rätsel lösen (Ottokar, Max, Kuno, Agathe, Ännchen, Chor)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 7: Wer legt auf ihn so strengen Bann? (Der Eremit, Ottokar, Chor, Max, Kuno, Ännchen)
Der Freischütz, Op. 77, Act 3 Scene 7: Doch jetzt erhebt noch eure Blicke (Der Eremit, Chor, Alle)
As is the case for many musicians who grew up listening to baroque music, René Jacobs’ evolution follows the chronology of music history. After treating us to Monteverdi, Pergolesi, Charpentier, Dumont, Bach and Handel, the countertenor eventually became a conductor in his own right. He’s enjoyed great success across the globe, both in concert and in opera, and has developed a rich and varied discography totalling more than 260 recordings spanning almost fifty years (most of them for the French label Harmonia Mundi).
After his mostly successful forays into the operatic repertoire of Monteverdi, Handel, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, the Belgian musician has now turned his attention to Weber’s Der Freischütz, which is often considered the founding work of German romantic opera. With its mixture of black magic, popular culture and nascent nationalism—a combination which would go on to become the basis for German expressionist cinema a century later—Weber’s opera greatly influenced a whole generation of composers, starting with the young Richard Wagner.
With this release, René Jacobs also doubles as a musicologist who’s keen to get back to the original source. His version of Weber’s masterpiece is based on the original project, readjusting certain scenes and placing them into their original positions. As in the early days of stereophony, his recording is staged (or embellished with sound effects) to compensate for the absence of visuals which brings the numerous German dialogues to life. The gunfire, sounds of nature, flowing water, bells, birds (and even the disturbing wolf howls made by the choristers!) make for a nice touch.
This new recording was intended to commemorate the bicentenary of the work in 2021, though it was delayed due to Covid-19. However, its release will be followed by a large concert tour in Europe and it will likely become a real landmark in the Freischütz discography, which already features Carlos Kleiber’s famous 1973 recording for Deutsche Grammophon: an act that’s difficult to follow.
Recorded in Freiburg-im-Breisgau in June 2021, this new production has been meticulously carried out thanks to the German-speaking cast, the incredible Zürcher Sing-Akademie choir and, last but not least, the powerful, clear sound of the Freiburger Barockorchester. They all come together beautifully under the passionate conducting of René Jacobs. This recording is exceptional. © François Hudry/Qobuz