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专辑名称: Desprez: Tant vous aime
创作艺人: [Doulce Mémoire and Denis Raisin Dadre]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 1碟25首
出品公司: Ricercar
发行时间: 2022/5/6
官方标价: £7.99 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [fr] (AI检测)
Si je perdoys mon amy / Par ung matin m’y levay
Vivrai je toujours en telle paine
Qui belles amours
À l’heure que je vous p.x.
Ricercar ottava
Petite camusette
S’elle m’amera / Petite camusette
Petite camusette
Mein hercz in hohen frewden ist
Tant vous aime
Belle pour l’amour de vous
An avois
Que vous madame / In pace
Missa la Spagna: Agnus Dei
El grillo
In te, domine, speravi
Scaramella fa la galla
Scaramella va alla guerra
Basse dance Cueur angoisseux
Ma bouche rit
Ma bouche rit
Bergerette savoysienne
Bergeretta savoyena
À l’ombre d’ung buissonnet
Une jeune fillette, sur "Comment peult avoir joye"
Josquin Desprez, princeps musicorum, the prince of musicians, as his contemporaries called him, is best known today for his sacred works, the masses and motets, which have been widely performed and recorded. Surprisingly, his chansons have received little attention from performers, except for the pieces for five and six voices, printed after his death by the Antwerp publisher Tilman Susato in his seventh book of 1545. Doulce Mémoire has chosen to focus on the chansons for three and four voices, which are probably the earliest in the Hainault master’s output; with their diversity of language and themes (sometimes folk-derived), these songs constitute a varied programme that is at once serious and bawdy, a testament to the unequalled art of Josquin Desprez. © Ricercar