HR 192.0kHz/24Bit
专辑名称: Caroline Shaw: The Wheel
创作艺人: [I Giardini]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 1碟6首
出品公司: Alpha Classics
发行时间: 2022/10/21
官方标价: £7.99 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)
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For the American composer Caroline Shaw, writing music is like cooking someone you love a meal, she told BBC Music Magazine. The youngest-ever winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Music, Shaw has premiered works at Carnegie Hall and the BBC Proms. She has even toured the US with Kanye West and appeared in the hit HBO series Mozart in the Jungle… Good food and music should be nourishing and complex; they should be something that you can taste easily in the beginning before you find there’s much more underneath. As the journalist Kate Wakeling points out: This sounds much like Shaw’s own music. Her work combines immediate, sensuous appeal with taut structural rigour.
This album is the outcome of a meeting between the composer and David Violi, Pauline Buet and their partners from I Giardini. It presents a monograph of chamber music, including a world premiere recording, The Wheel, a dialogue between the voice of the cello and the piano. © Alpha Classics