HR 48.0kHz/24Bit
专辑名称: Felix Mendelssohn : Helias (Elijah)
创作艺人: [Simon Keenlyside, Rosemary Joshua, Sarah Connolly, Robert Murray – Chœur Philharmonique de Wroclaw – Gabrieli Young Singers Scheme – Gabrieli Consort & Players – Paul McCreesh]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 2碟47首
出品公司: Signum Records
发行时间: 2012/8/27
官方标价: £3.49 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en][ca] (AI检测)
Elijah, Op. 70: Introduction "As God the Lord of Israel Liveth"
Elijah, Op. 70: Overture
Elijah, Op. 70: "Help, Lord!" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Lord, Bow Thine Ear to Our Prayer!" (Duet With Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Ye People, Rend Your Hearts" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "If With All Your Hearts" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Yet Doth the Lord See It Not" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Elijah! Get Thee Hence, Elijah" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "For He Shall Give His Angels" (Double Quartet)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Now Cherith's Brook Is Dried Up" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "What Have I to Do With Thee" (Duet)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Blessed Are the Men Who Fear Him" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "As God the Lord of Saboath Liveth" (Recitative & Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Baal, We Cry to Thee" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Call Him Louder, for He Is a God!" (Recitative & Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Call Him Louder! He Heareth Not" (Recitative & Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Lord God of Abraham" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord" (Quartet)
Elijah, Op. 70: "O Thou, Who Makest" (Recitative & Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Is Not His Word Like a Fire" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Woe Unto Them That Forsake Him!" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "O Man of God, Help Thy People!" (Recitative & Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Thanks Be to God!" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Hear Ye, Israel" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Be Not Afraid, Saith God the Lord" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "The Lord Hath Exalted Thee" (Recitative & Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Woe To Him, He Shall Perish" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Man of God" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "It Is Enough!" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "See, Now He Sleepeth" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains" (Trio)
Elijah, Op. 70: "He, Watching Over Israel" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Arise, Elijah" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Oh Rest in the Lord" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "He That Shall Endure to the End" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Night Falleth Round Me, O Lord!" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Behold, God the Lord Passed By" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Above Him Stood the Seraphim" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Holy, Holy, Holy Is God the Lord" (Quartet & Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Go, Return Upon Thy Way!" (Chorus & Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "For the Mountains Shall Depart" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Then Did Elijah the Prophet Break Forth" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Then Shall the Righteous Shine Forth" (Aria)
Elijah, Op. 70: "Behold, God Hath Sent Elijah" (Recitative)
Elijah, Op. 70: "But the Lord, from the North" (Chorus)
Elijah, Op. 70: "O Come Everyone That Thirsteth" (Quartet)
Elijah, Op. 70: "The Shall Your Light Shine Forth" (Chorus)