HR 96.0kHz/24Bit            

专辑名称: Alla Napoletana
创作艺人: [Christina Pluhar/L'Arpeggiata]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 1碟24首
出品公司: Warner Classics
发行时间: 2021/10/29
官方标价: £9.79 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [it] (AI检测)


A la fiera de Mast’Andrè. Tarentella (Arr. Pluhar)
O vezzosetta (Aria sopra la Ciaccona) – L’Eroica (Arr. Pluhar)
Dormite o pupille (Arr. Pluhar)
Cuccopinto de st’arma
Lo Guarracino. Tarentella (Arr. Pluhar)
Dicitencello vuje! (Arr. Pluhar)
Se dormi, ben mio
La Tarantella (Arr. Pluhar)
Raziella (Arr. Pluhar)
Chi vidde più lieto (Arr. Pluhar)
Con cent’occhi (Arr. Pluhar)
Il spiritillo Brando
La Pazza
La Veglia: Una dama, la più fortunata – Ballo detto la Barerra – Non è vero (Arr. Pluhar)
La Veglia: Basti, sospenda il ballo (Arr. Pluhar)
La Veglia: Dormi o ninno (Arr. Pluhar)
La Veglia: Silenzio o voci (Arr. Pluhar)
La Veglia: Gioca al ombre il mio bel sole (Arr. Pluhar)
Sfere fermate (Arr. Pluhar)
Serenata: La Pastorale (Arr. Pluhar)
Che più far degg’io (Arr. Pluhar)
Aure voi che sussurrate (Arr. Pluhar)
Il Pazzo (Arr. Pluhar)
Fenesta che lucive. Lamento funebre (Arr. Pluhar)


Christina Pluhar has the gift of conceiving rich, unique and enchanting programmes. Better still, she knows how to carefully choose the musicians best suited to undertake them. At the head of her incomparable ensemble L%27Arpeggiata, since the early 2000s she has been unearthing numerous pearls of repertoire, which she threads into a necklace to create a masterpiece.

Alla Napoletana is no exception to the rule: Pluhar resurrects for the occasion numerous manuscripts collected over the last two decades, resulting in this programme dedicated to 17th century Naples. In the age when all was possible that was favourable to strange carnivalesque transformations, scholarly and popular music maintained a more than porous border, until they fused together for the listener%27s great pleasure. The marks of theatricality borrowed from the commedia dell%27arte offer a striking relief to these pieces which are fascinating in their formal and textual originality and reveal to us great modernity as well as the freedom of the tone of their composers. The grand ancient and poetic theme of love—but especially of lovesickness—is portrayed in various ways: satire, parody, elegy…

If the tremendous qualities of the combined talents of Pluhar and her ensemble no longer need proving, we are also delighted by the performance of the soloists, in particular countertenor Vincenzo Capezzuto, who is hilarious in the more farcical pieces. © Pierre Lamy/Qobuz

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