HR 96.0kHz/24Bit
专辑名称: Hypnos
创作艺人: [La Tempête and Simon-Pierre Bestion]
音乐流派: Classical|古典
专辑规格: 1碟13首
出品公司: Alpha Classics
发行时间: 2022/1/7
官方标价: £7.99 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [fr] (AI检测)
Messe de requiem: Introït
Quis dabit capiti meo aquam
Requiem Op. 358: Requiem
Missa Paschalis: Kyrie
Graduel vieux-romain de Santa Cecilia de Trastevere: Kyrie pour la Nativité
Tre canti sacri: Requiem
Missa ex tempore: Gloria
Antiphonaire ambrosien du British Museum: Dixit Dominus
Messe de requiem: Sanctus
Lamentationes hieremiae prophetae: Guimel
Requiem: Agnus
Libera me, Domine
Song for Athene
Here Simon-Pierre Bestion presents the incantatory magnetism of a choral music that spans centuries. This fascinating programme is strongly linked to the powers of the night and the dream world under the guidance of Hypnos, this divinity who is able to put men and gods to sleep.
The pieces brought together here, of which almost all of them are sacred, form a captivating arch between the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the end of the twentieth century. The latter includes composers with distinctive mysticism such as Olivier Greif, Giacinto Scelsi, Marcel Pérès and John Tavener. Between music therapy, Greek mythology and Christian spirituality, this album doesn’t seek a dry musicology. It is the living symbol of the eternal search for great freedom, mixing instruments from all periods and audacious ornaments.
This recording is very cohesive as it is interpreted without any possible chronology or dating. You have to immerse yourself in it; let go and let yourself be won over by the hypnotic, contemplative and incantatory world of these works, juxtaposed as if in a sort of perfect parallel world. © François Hudry/Qobuz