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专辑名称: WE
创作艺人: [Arcade Fire]
音乐流派: ROCK|摇滚
专辑规格: 1碟10首
出品公司: Columbia
发行时间: 2022/5/6
官方标价: £10.19 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)
Age of Anxiety I
Age of Anxiety II (Rabbit Hole)
End of the Empire I-III
End of the Empire IV (Sagittarius A*)
The Lightning I
The Lightning II
Unconditional I (Lookout Kid)
Unconditional II (Race and Religion)
Five years after Everything Now, the least successful album of their career, many have been wondering what Arcade Fire might have up their sleeve for their sixth studio album. The Canadian band has taken every precaution, handing the production over to Nigel Godrich, Radiohead’s studio guru, and delivering a compact album that’s not taken any unnecessary risks. The album features many of the elements that led to Arcade Fire’s original success: pop ballads, vibrating pianos, melancholic acoustic guitars, lyrical moments, Bowie influences, long intros, disco beats, catchy choruses perfect for stadium performances… they’ve really made an effort to make amends with their fans! The record was composed in several stages by the two singers, Win Butler and Régine Chassagne, who were locked down in the United States during the peak of the Covid crisis. “Canadian borders were closed. We had written Age of Anxiety, End of the Empire and a bunch of songs. We didn’t know when or if it would be possible to get the band together. We were very inspired and very plugged in, but the world we were making the record for was changing so much.” © Smael Bouaici/Qobuz