FLAC | 44.1kHz/16bit            

专辑名称: Fearless (Big Machine Radio Release Special)
创作艺人: [泰勒·斯威芙特 Taylor Swift]
音乐流派: 欧美 无损&HiRes
发行时间: 2023-12-31 16:22:51
音乐风格: 欧美 无损&HiRes


1. Fearless (Commentary)
2. Fearless
3. Fifteen (Commentary)
4. Fifteen
5. Love Story (Commentary)
6. Love Story
7. Hey Stephen (Commentary)
8. Hey Stephen
9. White Horse (Commentary)
10. White Horse
11. You Belong With Me (Commentary)
12. You Belong With Me
13. Breathe (Commentary)
14. Breathe
15. Tell Me Why (Commentary)
16. Tell Me Why
17. You’re Not Sorry (Commentary)
18. You’re Not Sorry
19. The Way I Loved You (Commentary)
20. The Way I Loved You
21. Forever & Always (Commentary)
22. Forever & Always
23. The Best Day (Commentary)
24. The Best Day
25. Change (Commentary)
26. Change


专辑名:Fearless (Big Machine Radio Release Special)
  歌手: Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特)
  唱片公司: 环球唱片

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