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专辑名称: Take It Like A Man
创作艺人: [Amanda Shires]
音乐流派: ROCK|摇滚
专辑规格: 1碟10首
发行时间: 2022/7/29
官方标价: £9.04 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)
Hawk For The Dove
Take It Like A Man
Empty Cups
Don't Be Alarmed
Fault Lines
Here He Comes
Bad Behavior
Stupid Love
Lonely At Night
Everything Has Its Time
Amanda Shires does not fit comfortably into any one genre—flirting with country, folk, rock and pop. She%27s also not looking to make anyone else comfortable. On her eighth album, Shires, the wife of Americana superstar Jason Isbell, explores the good, the bad and the ugly of marriage: in particular, her own. There%27s nothing left to fix …You can say it%27s all my fault/ We just couldn%27t get all along / And so you know, I%27ll say, %27I don%27t know%27/ But no one%27s going to be asking me, she sings on the what-if ballad Fault Lines. Even Shires has admitted, I second-guessed myself a lot by keeping %27Fault Lines%27 on the record … but my intentions were to tell the truth the best that I could from the place that I was in. That place was the lockdown days of the pandemic. We were having problems before Covid, and then during Covid there was a lot of pressure…, she has said. For one thing, she became resentful of a greater burden of domestic responsibility. Jason%27s Covid talent was getting better at the guitar, playing it eight hours a day. What was my Covid talent? It was setting boundaries. I allowed myself to take up more space in my own life, she%27s said. On the title track, she pushes the natural, beautiful wavering of her voice for a metaphor with birds. Like a common loon I started hearing birds … Warblers and wrens, hymn at my throat/ Shook and quivering, I could have crowed, she sings, fluttering but always sounding strong. I know the cost of flight is landing/ And I know I could take it like a man. She ends with a twist: Take it like Amanda. She also stands her ground on the big and dramatic Hawk for the Dove, her fiddle every bit as searing as Isbell%27s guitar: I%27m coming for you like the hawk for the dove. Guitar, meanwhile, sounds like her aching duet partner on the ballad Don%27t Be Alarmed. Brittney Spencer and Maren Morris—one of Shires%27 partners in the country supergroup the Highwomen—back her up on the slinky Bad Behavior. Mischievous Here He Comes employs Attractions-like keys, while Lonely At Night applies Dusty In Memphis magic, with a back-up assist by Spencer. Morris pops up again on the Roy Orbison-style ballad Empty Cups: Maybe I was asking for a little too much/ To keep the newness from wearing off/ For every start there%27s gonna be a stop. That theme—about how finding true love means you%27ll never have that first spark again—returns on the heartbreaking Everything Has Its Time. There was a time when it was hard to say goodnight … now we just walk through the door, turn out the light, and go to bed, Shires sings, almost in mourning. Still, this is not a break-up record. As Shires has said of herself and Isbell, What we decided is that we%27re happiest if we work on ourselves. Then we have more to offer each other. © Shelly Ridenour/Qobuz