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专辑名称: 西贝柳斯:库奥莱玛/克里斯蒂安二世/A小调序曲
创作艺人: [Pia Pajala]
音乐流派: 古典
专辑规格: 16首
出品公司: NAXOS
发行时间: 2018/9/14
官方标价: ¥128.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)


Overture in A Minor, JS 144: Overture in A Minor, JS 144
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Kuolema (Death), JS 113: Kuolema (Death), JS 113: No. 3. Elas's Song: "Eilaa, eilaa"
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Kuolema (Death), JS 113: Kuolema (Death), JS 113: No. 5. Moderato
Kuolema (Death), JS 113: Kuolema (Death), JS 113: No. 6. Andante ma non tanto
Twelfth Night, Op. 60: Twelfth Night, Op. 60: No. 1. Kom nu hit, död (Come Away, Death) (version for voice and orchestra): Trettondagsafton (Twelfth Night), Op. 60: No. 1. Kom nu hit, Dod (Come away, Death)
Twelfth Night, Op. 60: Twelfth Night, Op. 60 (arr. K. Borg for voice and orchestra): Twelfth Night, Op. 60: No. 2. Hallila, uti storm och i regn (Hey, ho, the Wind and the Rain) (arr. K. Borg for voice and orchestra)
Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: I. Elegie
Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: II. Musette
Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: III. Menuetto
Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: IV. Sangen om korsspindeln (Fool's Song of the Spider)
Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: V. Nocturne
Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: VI. Serenade
Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: Kung Kristian II, Op. 27: VII. Ballade


Pia Pajala毕业于芬兰西贝柳斯学院,是一位才华横溢的演奏家,以其宽广的声域,强大的表现力和作品种类之丰富而闻名,近年正跟随芬兰歌剧演员Kai Valtonen和斯德哥尔摩的Dorothy Irving学习声乐技巧。作为西贝柳斯作品和芬兰古典乐的著名演奏家,她常与各种室内乐团合作演出。

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