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专辑名称: 美国灵魂:从百老汇到巴黎
创作艺人: [Duo Rosa]
音乐流派: 古典
专辑规格: 23首
出品公司: haenssler CLASSIC
发行时间: 2021/8/17
官方标价: ¥128.00 (会员免费下载)
域名语言: [en] (AI检测)
West Side Story: 选自《西区故事》: I Feel Pretty
On the town: 选自《On the Town》: I Can Cook, Too
Do not go my love: Do Not Go, My Love
Cabaret Songs Vol. I, No. 6: Cabaret Songs Vol. 1No. 6, Amor
That`s life: That's Life
An American in Paris: 选自《 一个美国人在巴黎》: I Got Rhythm
Je ne t`aime pas: Je ne t'aime pas
West Side Story: 选自《西区故事》: Something's Coming
Before sleep and dreams No. 2: Before Sleep & DreamsNo. 2, Play Before Lullaby
Op. 13 No. 13: Sure on This Shining Night, Op. 13 No. 3
Peter Pan: 选自《彼得潘》: Peter, Peter
I hate music! – A cycle of five kid songs: I Hate Music! A Cycle of 5 Kid SongsNo. 1, My Name Is Barbara
I hate music! – A cycle of five kid songs: I Hate Music! A Cycle of 5 Kid SongsNo. 2, Jupiter Has 7 Moons
I hate music! – A cycle of five kid songs: I Hate Music! A Cycle of 5 Kid SongsNo. 3, I Hate Music!
I hate music! – A cycle of five kid songs: I Hate Music! A Cycle of 5 Kid SongsNo. 4, A Big Indian and a Little Indian
I hate music! – A cycle of five kid songs: I Hate Music! A Cycle of 5 Kid SongsNo. 5, I'm a Person Too
Lunchtimes Follies: 选自《Lunchtimes Follies》: Buddy on the Nightshift
Mr Tambourine man: Seven poems of Bob Dylan: Mr Tambourine Man, 7 Poems of Bob DylanNo. 1, Prelude. Mr. Tambourine Man
The garden of Eden: The Garden of EdenNo. 3, The Serpent's Kiss (Version for Solo Piano)
The man I love: The Man I Love
On the town: 选自《On the Town》: Lucky to Be Me
West Side Story: 选自《西区故事》: Somewhere