Girolamo Frescobaldi: 11 Toccatas, Madrigale «Ancidetemi pur» (From Libro Secondo, Roma, 1627)
HR 96.0kHz/24Bit 直达底部 专辑名称: ...
Ančerl Gold Edition 24. Janáček: Sinfonietta – Martinů: Les Fresques de Piero della Francesca, The Parables
44.1kHz/16Bit 直达底部 专辑名称: Anč...
Bach: Harpsichord Concertos Vol. 4, Complete Concertos for three and four Harpsichords
HR 96.0kHz/24Bit 直达底部 专辑名称: ...
Brahms: Symphonie No. 3, Op. 90 & Ouverture tragique, Op. 81 (Stereo Version)
HR 96KHz/24Bit 直达底部 专辑名称: Br...